One, if not the cardinal reason why we become very relevant to God is for us to be useful to Him. He delights and have pleasure when we are useful in His Hand.
This brings us into the concept of Purpose. When God created man,  He had a definite purpose for each life,  uniquely designed to complement each other in fulfillment of destiny. Jeremiah 1:4-5 gives us clarity on God's designed plan and purpose for a man's life.

No purpose under the sun is fulfilled on self ability. It is God who works in us both to WILL and DO of His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). God has direct oversight as to how our lives should go. However, He allows discretion for choice on the part of His creation.
The ability and discipline to remain and give God a willing consent to rule and direct our paths to His projected purpose for our lives brings us to the concept of a vessel.  Our ability to Work with, for and in God is not far fetched from measuring what a vessel is. I love it when scripture says " Him we live,  move and have our being... " (Acts 17:28)

We are in a world where self achievement is the order of the day resulting in people's quest for fame,  gain and acquaintance. What is difficult about walking based on the direction of God is the fact that for God to get you to a particular destination happens mostly on His terms which is very likely to contradict our way. "...your ways are not my ways... " (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Now, walking in this contradiction to self interest can be very stressful and can easily influence a drift.

Self achievement mostly lacks the function of "Glory to God". It is usually not focused on God getting the glory which can be detrimental to our very existence. God is a jealous God too.

It is for this reason that attempting to understand and unearth lessons related to a vessel is critical to our walk with God especially in fulfilling His assignments over our lives.

2 Timothy looks at Usefulness in relation to a vessel... Verse 21 "...useful for the master..."

Hence, attaining the status of a vessel brings the spot light of usefulness over you. Unearthed for kingdom realignment and positioning for Christ's Sake.

This I believe, puts us in the right place to Host divine deposition (Treasure) that Glorifies God (Honor).... There is THIS treasure IN an earthen VESSEL that the EXCELLENCY of its power may be of GOD and not of US. (2 Cor 4:7-10)

It seem to be the foundation for our resilience  in the faith.

This scripture suggest that Treasure has a VESSEL as its Host and in that position. It's Glory surely is to God. The reverse us true.

See you in our carefully articulated lessons designed to position you as a Vessel worthy of Hosting divine Treasure worthy of bringing God the Honor.


  1. God bless you man of God
    you are a blessing to this generation
    i love rough


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